The C4EU podcast.
A fresh narrative
to government communication.

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About the Podcast


In this limited podcast series our experts talk about their experience, trends in the communication industry and how C4EU approaches topics with a local point of view whilst still keeping our European focus. From experts for experts. No bullshit, just our RAW beliefs. Only the good stuff.

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Episode 1

25th July 2024

Vlad Popovici

This episode features Vlad Popovici, co-founder of Kubis, a major communication agency in Bucharest. He discusses how Kubis’ participation in CommUnity for Europe blends their local insights with the European spirit to facilitate

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About C4EU


C4EU EEIG was born from the encounter of European managers running SMEs active in communication, marketing and events. Together, they blend their local DNA with the European spirit, mixing various cultures and traditions, to create impactful storytelling and communication strategies targeting EU citizens.

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